Thursday, November 21, 2019

wk-6 quick write😜

This week I complete a 20 min quick write and I just wanted to share it because I thought it was cool.
its a bit rough because I haven't had time to edit or recraft, but I still wanted to post it. (:

Image result for writing prompt pictures"
Quick  write - 20 mins=2 writes
  • 543 words
Stiffly I got up off the rotten floor boards. I hear birds and leaves rustling. My sleep out wasn't the best considering It had been here for over a month. Each day that passes everything slowly gets eaten by the forest, including myself. I trudge out onto the moss and wet leaves. Long twindly trees surround me covered in blankets of leaves. The bus I was sleeping in had a dark red strip of paint around the bottom with broken windows and a cream colored body. I kept  walking out to go for my morning stroll checking if there is any sign of people nearby. All of a sudden a wizard pops out of thin air. I can grant you three wishes but you must have a pure heart first so complete these tasks successfully and you get three wishes. I scream at the top of my lungs. Gasping for air I look the aged wizard up and down. He was wearing an old purple coat, with mud covering it and 3 shiny silver buttons coming down the middle. My breath starts to slow down.  A Neon yellow hat sat on top of his head. As his gray beard hangs on his face, he says I can grant you three wishes but you must have a pure heart first. He takes a glance of my unwashed body and knotted hair then counties . “ complete these tasks successfully and you get any three wishes, but you must choose carefully”. I take a step back and start to think its a dream. Slap, my face stings now but I still haven't woken up. Timidly I say okay, stand up straight and look him right in the eye. ‘You promise the wishes work?”. No they dont work im just a normal person that can come out of thin air”. Wait what” Im just being sarcastic I promise they work” I Nod my head then say” im ready for the first test”. “Okay great” he gestures towards the tree and says jump in it “. Unsure i walk to the tree and touch it it's hard how am i supposed to jump in it. Three wishes or not? Askes the wizard. I look back, take a few steps, then I sprint into the tree as hard as I can and take a leap of faith. Black noise fills my brain. Everything is spinning, and i feel numb. My ears start to pick up the wizard talkin to me, that's definitely trusting, and trustworthy tiked of. “I just jumped into a tree for no reason” i manage to pronounce. “No its for your wishes”. My vision starts to come back and i decide surely the second test can be as hard. I barely stand up then he says tell me you favourite cartoon. “Seriously?’. WHY would i be lying, this is important” says the wizard. Umm probably sponge bob” oh my god you are literal perfection no need for the third test you have passed successfully, well done. Now what are your three wishes. I wish to be home and i wish for endless macaroni cheese, andddd for abs. Boom I wake up at home and i have a six pack wwoooooooooo. What what about my macaroni cheese?

The end

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

leaving my legacy at gisint (:

For wk 5 of the term we had to do this specific writing piece. This piece of writing is about my journey through Gisint, my expectations, and my achievements. It helped me to remember and reflect on the past two years. It also showed my growth as a person and it displays how I think I will be remembered, as I move onto high school.

At the start of intermediate I was sad because most of my friends had gone to a different school, but I was really excited for all the different opportunities that gis int had to offer. I was also quieter and a bit more self centered. I expected to have heaps of fun and to expand my knowledge. I wanted to get half of the badges that go toward the honours badge by the end of year 7, and I wanted to have a clear plan of what I needed to do to achieve it in year 8. I also wanted to make new friends, and take as many opportunities as possible.

Some of my achievements include, coming first in long jump and high jump, placing first in the second division squash, finishing 3rd in aerobics, getting the badge for otago maths, and going away for stage arts/hip hop/aerobics. However my proudest achievement would be achieving my honours in term 4, year 8. I had spent two years dedicated towards that goal and to finally achieve it and get half the school perform the haka to me was an extremely special moment. Gisint surprised me by how they incorporate sports into almost everything, even lunch times, and tech.  Sports is something that I love, so it was awesome to get that growth in physical education and normal learning. Something unexpected would be getting into all the academic extensions, writing extension, reading extension, and maths extension. They were not easy but they definitely helped me get a new insight, and pushed me to different extents, that I could not have gone to before them. 

As I head to highschool, the legacy I will leave behind is that I achieved my honours. I gave everything a shot and I had heaps of fun well at it. Achieving my honours wasn't all about working hard it was also about putting myself out there, trying new things and a lot of planning. If people remember me for something it will be for giving everything a shot.

By Bella w

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Honors

This week I will be getting my honours I am very excited and have been working for two years towards this badge. To earn this badge I had to complete 4 areas, and in each area there were 3-5 things I had to do to complete those. The four areas included contribution, sports, academic, and cultural. To complete this I did dancing, drama, and art extension for cultural. For my sports I completed badminton, rhythmic gym, aerobics, hip hop, and athletics. The things that went towards my contribution was road patrol, office/ tea duty, attended all lunchtime sports, billeted someone, and participated in school events, such as swimming, triathlon, cross country, and athletics. By trying to get my honors it taught me how to plan ahead, and it made me trail for heaps of things I wouldn't have before, and it also made me try my hardest for everything I did.

< This is the honors badge

Thursday, August 8, 2019

science fair

Sandy science

Me and my friend have recently done our science fair, its all about sand, and why different swells, currents, and locations affect the finess, coulor, grains, or shells, that are in the sand. we haven't tested it yet but we have done everything else. i'm really excited to see what results we will get. 

pooh bear!!

This is my pixel art its my first one and it was really fun. I think its a cool type of art and really different to the usual stuff I do. The reason I did this is because I was getting bored of normal art and wanted something new. I think i'm going to keep doing these because I like them alot, and there's much more difficult ones that I can try. [:

Friday, May 10, 2019

My week

This week I finally got mean, mode and median, now I understand them.
 Next week I will work harder at my writing.   

Friday, May 3, 2019

what learning stood out for me this week

what learning stood out this week

maths: I learnt how to do conversions, and went over short division with decimals.
reading: I used descriptive language to create a picture of what the text made me see, which was really fun.
writing: I really liked learning all about cuttlefish, and I found it really interesting how they can change the texture and colour of their body to anything.
this week I also got into reading extension.